
Natural Cure For Yeast Infections Sitting In Your Kitchen

Yeast infections can be treated successfully with some of the basic items sitting in your kitchen. If conditions are favorable the candida albican fungi can grow and populate creating an infection. Some of the ingredients and certain seasonings in your kitchen can be used to fight them off.

It may surprise you to know the candida fungi resides in our bodies on a permanent basis. It's just that the good bacteria we have helps to manage it and keep it under control. When the good bacteria is weakened by the things we put into our bodies the bad bacteria becomes stronger and takes over causing us to become ill with a yeast infection.

What can cause our bodies to lose some of our immunity against this condition? Eating more sugar than we should (easily done with all the processed foods containing sugar on the market), antibiotics and birth control pills can have an affect on our estrogen levels. You may experience a white/yellow discharge that resembles cottage cheese, a need to itch that you can't control, feel like your skin is burning along with skin rashes.

There are many OTC (over the counter) medications available but they can be expensive and if you're treating the wrong infection it can make the yeast infection bacteria resistant so when you do get an an actual yeast infection the OTC stuff may not work. You can make an appointment with your doctor to get a prescription causing you to have to wait to get immediate relief.

Using home remedies for yeast infections as a remedy are safer than medications as the latter tends to come with side effects. The natural cures for yeast infections can more gentle and have a broader effect. I would recommend trying these first if you're not sure of what is causing your symptoms.

Remedies that have been helpful in relieving the symptoms of the yeast condition are borax for clearing the whitish and yellowish discharge, calcarea carbonica for reducing the itching and burning felt while experiencing menstruation, kali bichromicum to reduce or remove a discharge that is very uncomfortable, including itching and burning. Other remedies are sepia, pulsatilla, natrum muriaticum and sulpher.

The use of probiotics (these occur naturally in our digestive tracts), to fight a yeast infection is basically one microorganism (the friendly one) being used to fight off another microorganism (the unfriendly one).

The above mentioned solutions are not always present in everyone's kitchen but there are natural solutions that should be easily accessible.

For many garlic has been found to be the right fix. Because it works well for them they don't mind having to deal with the smell that accompanies this particular resolution.

If you want a sweeter solution albeit not as strong a solution honey may be the answer for you. Folks who have reported on this have found it to be successful for them when applied to the affected area and left on for 30 minutes then wiped off with a wet towel.

One of the more powerful yeast infection treatments, vinegar, carries antibacterial and antifungas properties that when diluted with warm water and applied to the specific area brings relief after twenty or so minutes. For an even more effective solution cider vinegar is considered to be the answer.

You will most likely run into more yeast infection remedies. My advice is to get as much information as you can before you try them. You may have a concern about what you should do. If so, seek medical advice then come up with your own decision. If this article has helped you then my goal has been accomplished.

Home Remedy Cures